CLEAN-UP DAY TOWN OF EMERALD RECYCLING CENTER 2521 160th Ave SATURDAY, May 18, 2024 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. RESIDENTS ONLY *** www.townofemeraldwi.com *** Most Appliances 20.00 Commercial/gas appliances 65.00 Projection Televisions 45.00 Televisions (Consoles and 32″ and above) 20.00 Televisions (Under 32″), Sofas 15.00 Chairs, Lounge Chairs, Bed springs/Mattresses 10.00 Toilets, tubs, sinks, small appliances 5.00 Car tires -Up to 17″ (Rims must be removed) 10.00 Truck tires – 17″-22″ (Rims must be removed) 12.00 Tractor tires (Rims must be removed) 35.00 Bicycle Tires 1.00 Grader/payloader tires (Rims must be removed) 40.00 Reclying Materials Must Be Clean Please Flatten Plastic Jugs For Recycling NO TOXIC MATERIALS ACCEPTED ***No Computers–but can be dropped off at Murtha Sanitation during normal business hours– 715-684-3700 OWNERS PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR TENANTS For more info, contact: Harlan Coyer ph: 715-265-4922 Driveway permits are required Contact: Donan Wink ph: 715-684-9099 Building permits required for ALL new buildings or additions. Joshua Melstrom 480-261-9014 ***DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE & UNLICENSED DOGS ARE SUBJECT TO $50 FINE per WI Statute 174.042 1 (a), 2,3 & 4 ***See website for more information *** |